(330) 616-3039
150 North Miller Rd., Suite 450, Fairlawn, OH 44333

John Hoffman Law Office
Akron, Ohio Estate Planning and Medicaid Law Firm

Estate Planning and Medicaid Blog

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Category: Medicaid Planning

Are you concerned about rising healthcare costs and the impact they could have on your financial wellbeing? Medicaid planning can be the solution you're looking for.

Our team of experts can guide you through the complex process of Medicaid planning, helping you to protect your assets while still qualifying for the assistance that you need. We can help you to understand the rules and regulations surrounding Medicaid eligibility, as well as the many different planning strategies that are available.

From irrevocable trusts and asset transfers to annuities and spend-down planning, we offer a full range of services designed to help you get the most out of your Medicaid benefits. We'll work with you to develop a customized plan that takes into account your unique situation and goals.

Don't let healthcare costs erode your savings and financial security. Contact us today to learn more about how Medicaid planning can help you to protect your assets and secure your future.


Which Trust, Revocable or Irrevocable?

There are important differences between the two types of trusts, including the amount of control you'll have over your assets.
Posted on: September 30, 2023
Medicaid and elder law planning in Medina, Ohio

Don’t Fall for These Medicaid and Estate Myths

Since estate issues, one way or another, affect everyone over time (since death does) and since Medicaid planning has for many years been a topic of popular conversation—and popular misconceptions in the U.S., it is not unusual that both subjects have generated misunderstandings and, in some cases, folklore that has persisted.
Posted on: September 15, 2023
Medicaid and elder law planning in Medina, Ohio

Common Questions about Applying for Medicaid

Navigating the complexities of government healthcare programs can be a daunting task, especially when it comes to applying for Medicaid. Medicaid is a vital program that provides healthcare coverage for individuals and families with limited income and resources.
Posted on: September 8, 2023
Akron, Ohio estate planning lawyer

Estate Planning Checklist to Put Affairs in Order

An estate plan can give you peace of mind that things you value will be distributed according to your wishes when you die.
Posted on: August 25, 2023
estate planning medicaid planning asset protection

What are Benefits of Creating a Life Estate?

By understanding the features of a life estate and creating one at the right time, you can reap the following benefits….
Posted on: July 21, 2023
Wadsworth Ohio estate planning attorney

Should You Put Your Child’s Name on the Deed to Your House?

If a child you’ve added to your deed goes through a divorce, has tax issues, is sued by someone, or must declare bankruptcy, your house could be on the chopping block!
Posted on: July 7, 2023

How Gifting and Joint Ownership Can Go Wrong

There is a popular misperception among many seniors that in order to protect their assets from creditors, including the cost of nursing home care, they should consider gifting their assets to their children.
Posted on: June 23, 2023
Caring for your aging mom

Caring for Mom as You Near Retirement

Learn tips on caring for your aging mom by helping her create a plan for the future, document her wishes, and ensure she's protected.
Posted on: May 12, 2023
estate planning medicaid planning asset protection

Communication is Key in Generational Estate Planning

For most families, the estate planning process is more involved than simply naming beneficiaries. While the primary goal of estate planning is transferring assets in an orderly and tax-efficient manner, it’s just as important to focus on preserving wealth across generations.
Posted on: May 10, 2022
Estate Planning In The Cities Of Medina, Wadsworth, Hudson, Stowe and Copley

Areas Served

John Hoffman Law serves people with legal needs throughout Northeast Ohio in Summit and Medina Counties.

Attorney John Hoffman is ready to help you with estate planning and medicaid planning. Let John Hoffman Law put our experience and diligent legal representation to work for you. Contact us today to learn how John Hoffman Law can help you.

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estate planning law firm akron ohio
John Hoffman Law Office, LLC

150 North Miller Rd., Suite 450
Fairlawn, OH 44333

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